Yasri, WilzanPato ,UsmanRossi,Evy2013-01-222013-01-222013-01-22Arnalishttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/1566Wilzan. Jur. 2012The objectives of this research were to detect the presence of indicator microbe namely E. coli and Coliform in the fresh sugarcane extract ice in Tampan district, Pekanbaru and to know personal practice of hygiene and sanitation of the seller. This research was done in Laboratory of Agricultural Product Analysis at Agricultural Faculty of Riau University by using systematic sampling method toward the seller of fresh sugarcane extract ice in Tampan district, Pekanbaru. The result of this research shown that there was E. coli bacterium found only in three samples. However Coliform was found in all samples. It is concluded that hygiene principle and food sanitation were not perfectly done by the seller.otherDetectionMicrobial indicatorsFresh sugarcane extract iceHygiene dan food sanitationDeteksi Kehadiran Mikroba Indikator Dalam Es Sari Tebu (Saccharum officinarum l.) Segar di Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbarustudent Paper Post Degree