Nasri, Khairul2013-01-282013-01-282013-01-28Arbi Sahuri competence is the human ability in comunicate. Even the people communicate every days, but not all of them knows how far the effectively of our communication, not only individually and socially, but also professionally. Basically, competency means someone’s ability in skill, knowledge, and attitude in doing special job according with standarized. In this case, the purpose of this experiment is “to know is there the influence between customer service communication competence with the customer’s satisfy of Pekanbaru Post Office Center, to know how big the influence of customer service communication competence with the customer’s satisfy of Pekanbaru Post Office Center. The technique that used in this reseacrh is descriptive quantitative. To get the sample is used the solvin system by collecting 100 respondent who get service in Pekanbaru Post Office Center. The data collection technique that used is observation sheet and observation. The data is tabulated in the table, then analized descriptively to know the influence between customer service communication competence with the customer’s satisfy of Pekanbaru Post Office Center, writer using the correlation analysis product moment. The result of the experiment can be concluded that the range of correlation coeficience point is between 0,40-0.599. It’s mean the correlation of customer service communication competence gain in middle level with r compute is 0.443 and r tabe is 0.196 that gained by n=100, α=0.05 so can be know that the hypotesis in this experiment is “ there is influence ”. The big income of customer service communication competence variable with customer’s satisfy in determination of coeficience is 0.196 or 19.6%.otherCompetenceComunicationand Customer ServicePengaruh Kompetensi Komunikasi Customer Service Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada Kantor Pos Pusat Pekanbarustudent Paper Post Degree