Susanti, Deci2013-07-302013-07-302013-07-30Nofianti,S.Pd Study On The Ability Of The Third Year Students Of SMPN 2 Kuantan Hilir In Comprehending Narative TextThis descriptive research was aimed at knowing the ability of the third year students of SMPN2 kuantan hilir in comprehending narrative texts. In other words, it is intended to investigate a variety of educational problems. This study consists of one variable. A set of test is given to get the students scores. There are 30 items in the test, and the duration is 60 minutes in which the students needed to answer the questions. Before the test is given to the sample of the research, from the participant it has been tried out to 30 students class VIII I and real test 30 students class VIII 2 of SMPN2 Kuantan Hilir to check whether it is valid and reliable. The result of this research showed that the ability of the third year students SMPN2 Kuantan Hilir in comprehending narrative texts fall into Average to good level because the mean score was 64.8. It means that the students have ability in comprehending narrative text, but they still got problem in comprehending this kind of text. Based on the research, there are some suggestions of the research; the writer hopes that this study gives valuable contribution to the students, and for the teacher and readers in term of reading comprehension especially reading narrative text which include five components of reading comprehension. And the writer has recommended for English teacher and Researcher considering that the students’ ability level in comprehending narrative text are at “average to good” level, it is suggested that the students must to do more practice in reading, read any book to improve reading skills, especially in guessing meaning of vocabulary and finding factual information and main idea of the text wellen-USNarrative texts,Readingcomprehending text,A Study On The Ability Of The Third Year Students Of SMPN 2 Kuantan Hilir In Comprehending Narative Textstudent Paper Post Degree