Siagian, Mardiah Isnaini Amar2013-01-082013-01-082013-01-08sumarni research was to estimate the shelf life of catfish macaroni packed in High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and aluminium foil. Catfish weighing 200 gr each were taken from a fish market in Pekanbaru. About 800 gr fish macaroni was prepared and the products was packed respectively in High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and aluminium foil and stored at in room temperature for 42 days. The product was analysed for peroxide value and moisture; and the shelf life was estimated using Arrhenius method. The results indicated that the product packed with HDPE and aluminium foil had a shelf life of 26,7 days and 28,3 days respectively.otherCatfishMacaroniShelf life estimationPeroxide valueHDPEAluminium foilSHELF LIFE ESTIMATION OF CATFISH (Cryptopterus bicirchis) MACARONI PACKED IN HDPE AND ALUMINIUM FOILArticle