Andriana, Putri2023-11-152023-11-152023-07PerpustakaanElfitra (Nephelium Sp) is an annual horticultural fruit plant in the form of a branched tree with the sapindacaeae family originating from Indonesia and Malaysia. Rambutan has a round fruit shape with a yellowish red or bright red color, has a chewy, crunchy, sweet and fresh taste, and has a fairly high vitamin C content. Handling rambutan plants often encounter obstacles, one of which is pest and disease attacks. These pests and diseases require proper and correct handling, because this can harm rambutan plants so that they can have an effect on yields that are less than optimal. The purpose of this research is to build a system that can solve the problem of diagnosing pests and diseases on rambutan plants precisely and accurately based on the web. In this study, the authors will implement the Dempster Shafer in diagnosing pests and diseases on rambutan plants. This expert system for diagnosing pests and diseases on rambutan plants can detect five types of pests and diseases with 12 symptoms. From the results of testing the accuracy of the eight test case data, an accuracy value of 75% was obtained, so that it can be said that the system can work well.enDempster ShaferExpert SystemRambutan PlantSISTEM PAKAR MENDIAGNOSA HAMA PENYAKIT PADA TANAMAN RAMBUTAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE DEMPSTER SHAFERArticle