Hanifah, T. Abu2020-11-302020-11-302019-11978-60251349-1-3wahyu sari yenihttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/9883White jabon is one yield of jabon tree (Anthocephalus cadamba) which is less utilization. The purpose of this research was characterized the white jabon fruit carbon with variation carbonization temperature and ability to adsorpt cadmium metal. Variation carbonization temperature of white fruit jabon is 300, 400 and 500°C. The characterization of white jabon fruit carbon is amount of water, ashes, iodine adsorpt and methylene blue adsorpt. Functional group in carbon was characterized by FTIR. The concentration of cadmium metal in solution before and after adsorption was analyze with ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma). The optimum carbonization temperature of white jabon fruit is 300°C with amount of water is 2.19%, ashes 14.59%, iodine adsorpt 977.30 mg/g and methylene blue adsorpt 21.89 mg/g. Efficiency of Cd2+ adsorpt in white jabon carbon is 97.6123%.enadsorptcarboncarbonization temperatureTEKNIK PIROLISIS PEMBUATAN NANOMATERIAL LIMBAH BIJI JABON PUTIH (Anthocephalus cadamba) DAN KAPASISTAS ADSORPSI TERHADAP ION Cd2+Article