Afriyanni, Afriyanni2021-01-212021-01-212019-11-16978-60251349-1-3wahyu sari yeni issue of coordination and collaboration is still a problem in the achievement of proper sanitation targets. Whereas synergy and collaboration are the keys to the success of achieving the 6th sustainable development goal (TPB), namely ensuring the availability and management of clean water and sustainable sanitation for all in 2030. Collaborative governance is a model that is feasible to be applied in achieving the sanitation target in the City of Padang. Based on the results of the 2015 EHRA study, 15,546 households (KK) in Padang City or 7.32% of the city residents were estimated to still do open defecation. However, based on BPS data in 2018 there were still 19.43% who were throwing feces carelessly. This study aims to find out how the collaborative governance process is applied in an effort to overcome sanitation problems in the city of Padang. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation studies. The informants of this research are related officials from Bappeda, the Department of Housing and Settlement of the People's Housing (DPRKPP), the Development Section, the Office of the Environment, the Office of Health, the District, the Kelurahan, the community and the private sector engaged in sanitation. The results of this study indicate that the collaborative governance process in the effort to achieve proper sanitation targets in Padang City has not been optimally carried out due to weak local government commitment, sectoral ego, limited resources, technical and data, unclear authority limits and task distribution, not yet optimal role of the private sector and the community . This study recommends 1. strengthening and synchronizing regulations that support accelerating the achievement of sanitation targets, 2. strengthening sanitation institutions, conducting evaluations, 3. revising and synchronizing development programs / activities and sanitation documents, 4. implementing and developing collaborative governance models.encollaborative governancesanitationPadang CityCOLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE DALAM UPAYA PENCAPAIAN TARGET SANITASI LAYAK DI KOTA PADANGArticle