Harun, SusmithaHasriatiAziskhan2016-04-272016-04-272016-04-27wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/8314This article discusses the reserve life insurance contingent for two persons at the age of x and y years old. Contingent life insurance is an insurance whose payments are based on the sequence of the deceased insured. The calculation of the reserve usesthe method of premium sufficiency, where the calculation considers the management expenses of company, assumingas gross premium. Gross premium calculation is acquired in advance by determining the present value of life annuity and net premium where these calculations are based on Makeham distribution.enPremium sufficiency methodgross premiumcontingent insuranceMakeham distributionCADANGAN ASURANSI JIWA CONTINGENT BERDASARKAN DISTRIBUSI MAKEHAM DENGAN METODE PREMIUM SUFFICIENCYstudent Paper Post Degree