Muhammad, Mefpri Zon2022-01-192022-01-192021-07wahyu sari yeni KRS information system is to facilitate the KRS entry system so that the information KRS generated to students is precise, accurate and students can easily enter, edit and print KRS. IT management in academic information systems (AIS) aims to assist in making decisions so that an institution can achieve its goals optimally. Therefore, IT governance is carried out implementation using the COBIT 5 framework in SIA. In this study, the domains chosen were DSS02, BAI04, BAI06, EDM01 and DSS04 with the capability level in the domains DSS02 3.31 (P), BAI04 2.78 (P), BAI06 2.81 (P), EDM01 2.86 (P) and DSS04 2,9 (P). based on these results that the level of IT capability achieved by the academic information system of the University of Riau in the case of study plan cards in the DSS02 domain at level 3, BAI04 at level 2, BAI06 at level 2, EDM01 is at level 2 and domain DSS04 is at level 2, the average capability level for the domain used is at level 2 and the DSS02 domain is at level 3.enKRSAcademic PortalIT GovernanceCOBIT 5ANALISA PORTAL SISTEM INFORMASI AKADEMIK UNIVERSITAS RIAU MENGGUNAKAN COBIT 5 (Studi Kasus :Kartu Rencana Studi)Article