Somadona, SoniaSribudiani, EviArlita, Tuti2018-04-022018-04-022018-04-02978-602-51349-0-6wahyu sari yeni has been found in Riau Province, esspecealy in Bengkalis regency and reputed as the symbol of unity and fraternity of society and also identy flora for Riau Province. This research aimed to evaluated physical properties based on depth variation (heart, the midlle of bark, and edge of bark) and the height of trank (base, in the midle and end). The testing of physical properties are based on Britis Standard 373-1975. The wet moisture content of Nibung trunk among 40-200%, density of nibung trunk between 0,15-0,67 cm3, and the highest value of swelling three direction is in tangensial to radial and the lowers is longitudinal (tangensial > radial > longitudinal). The result of density test was included in class II (good) and can be base of tructural buidenNibungphysical propertiesmoisture contentdensityswelling three directionKajian Sifat Fisis Batang Nibung (Oncosperma tigilarium)Article