JamilahFirdausSugiarto, Sigit2014-03-252014-03-252014-03-25Rangga Dwijunanda Putrahttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/5861This paper discusses the interval estimation of estimator of the shape parameter  of the Pareto distribution in the case where the scale parameter is known. To obtain the estimator of parameter  , some methods can be used. In this paper we use moment method and maximum likelihood estimation for the data collected under simple random sample, random samples that consist of minimum order statistics and maximum order statistics. Under asumption that sample size of n is large, several estimators of  asimptotically normal distributed has been derived. These asymptotic distributions are used to construct confidence interval for otherinterval estimationPareto distributionmoment methodmaximum likelihood estimation and asymptotic distributionTAKSIRAN INTERVAL PARAMETER BENTUK DARI DISTRIBUSI PARETO BERDASARKAN METODE MOMEN DAN MAKSIMUM LIKELIHOODOther