Widya, Weni2021-08-232021-08-232020-10wahyu sari yenihttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10111This article discusses the modi cation of the fourth order multistep Adam-Bashforth and Adam-Moulton method by changing the integral boundaries of [xn; xn+1] to [xn−2; xn+1] to solve initial value problems. In generally, the comparison results show that the numerical solution obtained with the modi cation of the fourth order multistep Adam-Bashforth and Adam-Moulton method has an accuracy comparable to the fourth order multistep Adam-Bashforth and Adam-Moulton method.enInitial value problemmultistep methodsAdam-Bashforth methodAdam-Moulton methodfourth orderstability regionsMODIFIKASI METODE MULTISTEP ORDE EMPAT UNTUK MENYELESAIKAN PERSOALAN NILAI AWALArticle