Nurmaida, Nurmaida2019-07-222019-07-222019-07-22wahyu sari yeni article discusses the regression models with ordinal respon that are adjacent categories (AC) model and proportional odds (PO) model. The estimated regression coefficient is obtained through maximum likelihood which is used to calculate the relative risk for each model. Futhermore, the likelihood ratio test is used to check the significance of explanatory variable in the model. Data analysis and simulation have been conducted using R version 3.4.3. We use a small cell lung cancer data to check the relative risk of tumour respon to patients receiving one of two therapy strategies and sex of patients. Simulation shows that AC model is slightly bettter to reject null hipothesis when p-value < 0.05 for larger sample size than PO model while in contrary for a smaller sample size.enLogistic regression modellog likelihoodmaximum likelihoodordinal logistic regressionrelative riskMODEL REGRESI ADJACENT CATEGORIES DAN PROPORTIONAL ODDS MENGGUNAKAN RESPON ORDINALArticle