Syaufika, SyadzwinaKarimi, JazilSuyanto2014-02-252014-02-252014-02-25 mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic disease which characterized by hyperglycemia, caused by insulin secretion or insulin activity disorder or both. Uncontrolled DM could cause many complications, one of them is diabetic ulcer. The sample was 39 patients using total sampling. In conclusion,characteristics of respondents by sex diabetic ulcer patients obtained 56.42% were females, age group <60 years obtained 82%, and duration of suffering DM obtained 48.72% 0-5 years. Distribution of diabetic ulcers based on fasting blood sugar obtained 93.93% is bad.. Diabetic ulcers distribution based on the location of 47.91% was obtained at toes, feet and back legs respectively 16.67%, 10.41% ,other areas and heel respectively 8.33%. Distribution of diabetic ulcer based on Wagner criteria was obtained 33.3% Grade 4, Grade 3 obtained 25.6%, 23.1% obtained Grade 5, Grade 2 obtained 10.3%, 7.7% obtained Grade 1 and Grade 6 obtained 0%. Distribution of diabetic ulcer based on length of stay obtained 63.15% were> 7 days, 3-7 days obtained 28.94%, and <3 days gained 7.89%. Distribution of diabetic ulcer based on therapy obtained 89.7% were non-surgical, and surgical therapy obtained 10.3%.otherDMdiabetic ulcerprofilePROFIL PASIEN ULKUS DIABETIKUM YANG DIRAWAT DI RSUD ARIFIN ACHMAD PROVINSI RIAU PERIODE 1 JANUARI-31 DESEMBER 2011student Paper Post Degree