Meldha, ZuqniChairulAmraini Said Zul2012-10-252012-10-252012-10-24nurasmi of the materials that have potential as raw material for bioethanol is sorghum. Sorghum has advantages over sugarcane and maize, that is a shorter harvest time , needs little water and a source of ethanol can be obtained from the sap, starch and pulp. This study used the seeds of sorghum as raw material for bioethanol by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process by varying the temperature liquifications, that is 75°C, 85°C, 95°C, and 105°C and the sampling time is 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours. This study aims to determine the best liquification temperature of sorghum starch conversion into bioethanol and determine the best fermentation time on levels of bioethanol produced. Tests were conducted with alcoholmeter. The results shows that the best sugar liquification results is in the amount of 14.001 g/l at temperature of 95°C and the best ethanol concentration is 40 g/l at 48 hours of fermentation time with liquification temperature is 95°C.otherBioethanolliquificationpichia stipitissorghumPRODUKSI BIOETANOL DARI PATI SORGUM DENGAN PROSES SAKARIFIKASI DAN FERMENTASI SERENTAK DENGAN VARIASI TEMPERATUR LIQUIFIKASIArticle