Khairunnisa, Ayu2013-01-282013-01-282013-01-28Sahlan INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN KARAKTER SISWA SMP UNTUK MATA PELAJARAN IPA FISIKAPENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN KARAKTER SISWA SMP UNTUK MATA PELAJARAN IPA FISIKA Ayu Khairunnisa, Fakhruddin, Mitri Irianti Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Riau Abstrak The aim of this research is to produce instrument of junior high school’s student character evaluation for Physics science learning. Type of the research used is R and D (Research and Development). Development of character evaluation instrument consists of introduction study, instrument plan, instrument development, instrument validation and empirical trial. Character evaluation instrument developed in this research is instrument questionnaire of student character evaluation. Based on validation result, it can be obtained that validity index is 3,11 with high category. Empirical test shows that value of alpha cronbach 0.966 which is higher than r table 0.433. it means that evaluation which is developed is reliable It can be concluded that character evaluation instrument developed as data collection tools is feasible for phisycs science learning in junior high schoolothercharacter evaluation instrumentcharacter valuesPENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN KARAKTER SISWA SMP UNTUK MATA PELAJARAN IPA FISIKAstudent Paper Post Degree