Daulay, Haris2013-01-072013-01-072013-01-07sumarnihttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/1127The research was conducted in April 2012 in water of Bengkalis, Riau Province. This research aims to analyze of Clostridium perfringens on sediments of water in The Bengkalis coastal, Riau Provinces. Sediments of water were collected from Bengkalis coastal and then analyzed bacteriologically in The Marine Microbiology Laboratory of Marine Center. The data obtained by observation, measurement and sampling in the field, followed by the identification C. perfringens. The method used in this research is descriptive method. The C. perfringens counts varied according to types of sediments and location sampling. The inoculation thecnique is surface plate method on TSC Agar. The species identification included morphological, observation, fisical and biochemical test. The distribution of C. perfringens is connected of with coastal oceanography condition. The counts ranged from 3,9 x 104 - 6,1 x 104 cell/grams in sediments of water. The highest C. perfringens counts was found on water of Damon, Rimba Sekampung and Kelapa Pati Villages.otherClostridium perfringensBakteriPencemaranANALISIS BAKTERI Clostridium perfringens PADA SEDIMEN DI PERAIRAN BENGKALIS PROVINSI RIAUArticle