Waryan, Bima Dwi2022-07-182022-07-182022-01PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10560The Internet is widely used in various aspects of life. Riau University as an educational institute including the Department of Mathematics, Riau University also utilizes the internet network in daily operational activities. For the smooth process of teaching and learning, an adequate and stable internet network is needed, so it is necessary to optimize the network, mathematics FMIPA University riau. This optimization can be done by Load Balancing with the PCC (Per Connection Classifier) method in this study resulted in a shorter travel time with the previous value of 113 to 111. Based on the results of tested using the QoS (Quality of Service) parameters resulted in a delay index value with a value of 4, packet loss 4, jitter 3, and throughput 4.enNetworkingMath DepartmentLoad BalancingPCC (Per Connection Classifier)QoS (Quality of Service)ANALISIS DAN OPTIMALISASI JARINGAN MENGGUNAKAN TEKNIK LOAD BALANCING (STUDI KASUS: JURUSAN MATEMATIKA)Article