Sinaga, Bangun2013-07-202013-07-202013-07-20 Satuan Reserse Narkoba dalam memberantas tindak pidana narkotika di wilayah hukum Polisi Resort Kota Pekanbaru dimana dalam proses pemberantasan tindak pidana narkotika Satuan Reserse Narkoba lebih berperan pada Preventif dan Represif dalam Preventif kegiatan yang di lakukan adalah melakukan penyuluhan hukum ke masyarakat maupun ke sekolah, dan kegiatan Represif Satuan Reserse Narkoba melakukan melakukan observasi atau pengamatan dan kemudian lebih ke penindakan yaitu melakukan penangkapan, penahanan, pengeledahan, dan penyitaan.Narcotics offenses are offenses which are often heard in the community. This condition is very alarming once because of drug abuse victims in Indonesia in recent years is likely to increase and includes not only the group of people who are able but also has expanded to among the poor in both urban and rural. So here the role of the police in combating crime is in need for narcotic offenses that are transnational narcotics has been done by using high modus operandi, advanced technology, supported by a vast network of organizations. Therefore particularly law enforcement officers Police Narcotics Investigation Unit is expected to be able to eradicate narcotics offenses, in order to improve the quality of morality and human resources in Indonesia, especially for the next generation.enRoleCrime Narcotics.Law EnforcementPERANAN RESERSE NARKOTIKA DALAM MEMBERANTAS TINDAK PIDANA NARKOTIKA DI WILAYAH HUKUM POLISI RESORT KOTA PEKANBARUstudent Paper Post Degree