Alatas, Said Adam2013-02-022013-02-022013-02-02 research was conducted to analyze the influence of the cost of advertising, exhibitions, and personal selling, either simultaneously or partially, on sale at Pekanbaru Computer Center and to determine whether the cost factor of the most powerful influence on sales in Pekanbaru Computer Center. The respondents in this study are all marketing expenses include advertising costs, exhibit costs, and the cost of personal selling and sales data, the range of the observation period from 2001 to 2010. Methods of sampling will be done with the census method, which makes the entire population of the study sample. The results showed that the variables of advertising, personal selling, and exhibits a significant effect on sales volume in Pekanbaru Computer Center, the variable is significant and positive advertising to sales volume in Pekanbaru Computer Center, the variable exhibits a significant and positive impact on sales volume in Pekanbaru Computer Center, variable personal selling significant and positive impact on sales volume in Pekanbaru Computer Center, Computer Center Pekanbaru sales volume of 98.3% determined by advertising, exhibitions, and personal selling, personal selling in which the variables consisting of the payment of compensation for salespeople and sales operating costs exert a most strongly against the sale of the company, the total cost of the promotion of the company is equal to 7% of the total sales of the company, of which 4% is the cost of personal selling, advertising fee of 2%, and only 1% to the cost of the exhibition.otherIklanPameranPersonal Selling Terhadap Volume PenjualanPengaruh Iklan, Pameran, dan Personal Selling Terhadap Volume Penjualan Pada Pekanbaru Komputer Center