Afdlan, Muhammad ZainiMinarniZulkarnain2016-02-042016-02-042016-02-04wahyu sari yeni interactions with the sun influence the amount of chlorophyll. The amount of chlorophyll influence the absorption of energy when excited by a laser. Design system of chlorophyll fluorescence detection based photodiode has been done. The chlorophyll of spinach leaf extract from spinach plants were given two different treatments used as a sample. Five variations of chlorophyll by spinach leaf concentration in an acetone used were 0,025gr/ml, 0.125 gr/ml, 0,25gr/ml, 0,375gr/ml, and 0,5gr/ml. Extract chlorophyll was excited by three laser diodes with different wavelengths are 405nm (violet), 532nm (green), and 780nm (red). Extract chlorophyll of fluorescence was detected using two photodiode which is connected to the amplifier circuit. Two photodiodes recording the light before recording the fluorescence of cuvette and extract chlorophyll. The output voltage of the amplifier circuit was measured using a multitester and the fluorescence spectra recorded by the CCD camera. The results showed that chlorophyll absorbs less energy when excited by green laser and red laser compared with as much as 50%, while the violet laser reaches 90%. Voltage output from amplifier circuit are influenced by variations of chlorophyll concentration.enspinach leaf extractdiode laserslaser-induced chlorophyll fluorescencephotodiode-based detectorof chlorophyll concentrationRANCANG BANGUN SISTEM DETEKSI FLUORESENSI KLOROFIL DAUN BAYAM BERBASIS FOTODIODAstudent Paper Post Degree