Sribudiani, EviRudianda2014-05-242014-05-242014-05-24wahyu sari yeni research aims to use the litter Eucalyptus sp. as a raw material liquid smoke. Litter material is dried until the moisture content of 15% and into the reactor as well as the circuit is closed and the condenser mounted, then turned with a kitchen heater temperature of 300°C. for 2: 2,5 and 3 hours. Observations on the yield of wood vinegar and analysis in the form of % to determine the yield of each material and wood vinegar level of clarity. The results of the research is the yield of wood vinegar garbage or litter plant Eucalyptus sp is equal to 38?73% and the color of the wood vinegar produced from plant waste or litter of Eucalyptus sp is blackish yellow. Further research on the content of liquid smoke and use as preservatives, insecticides and liquid fertilizer for plant growth.enlitter Eucalyptus sppyrolysisliquid smokePEMANFAATAN SERASAH TEGAKAN Eucalyptus sp. DI INGKUNGAN KAMPUS BINA WIDYA UNIVERSITAS RIAU SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU CUKA KAYU (ASAP CAIR)UR-Scientific Work Lecturer