Darisman2013-06-242013-06-242013-06-24http://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/3760Perbedaan Pengaruh Latihan Interval Training Lari Jarak 100 Meter Dengan 200 Meter Terhadap Daya Tahan Erobik Pada Kondisi Fisik Pemain Sepak BolaThis research is exprementally used to experint analysis and statistic analysis to test the research. which is hell in government junior high school 5 pekanbaru. it obtained from beginner date test and final test before and after exercise, to compare two test group with different treatment. it does to find out which one is better. the lack of this training exercise is because of the lessnes, of physical exercise in sport class and lessnes systematic training program and continueing training. these tissues have been raising in ths rearch is running interval execercise 100 meter and 200 meter for aerobic power with the physic of student soccer player government junior hight scholl 5 at eight years pekanbaru. “the hypothesis of this research is to compare theeffect of running interval training exercise 100 meter and 200 meter to the football player power aerobic to the physic condition of students football players goverment junior high’ school 5 at eigh years pekanbaru .the Porpose of the this research is to fly the aerobic power of the students physic. the aim of this analysis will showed that there is a significant effect of running interval training exercise 100 meter and200 meter (x) player power aerobic to the physic condition. Based on the test result, the analysis counted from 2.7467 and 2.109 for t_table.t_count>. it can be concluded that HO has been reject and HI has excepted. it means that it increased after tested by t.tetst showed that t_count is bigger that t_table interval training for 16 time will increased the phisic power condition has raising significantly.en-USinterval running training exercise 100 meter and 200 meteraerobic powerPerbedaan Pengaruh Latihan Interval Training Lari Jarak 100 Meter Dengan 200 Meter Terhadap Daya Tahan Erobik Pada Kondisi Fisik Pemain Sepak Bola SMP Negeri 5 Pekanbarustudent Paper Post Degree