Andriani, Dira2022-06-202022-06-202021-12PerpustakaanElfitra technology has an important role in supporting various public interests in all aspects of life. Riau University as one of the educational institutions also utilizes IT in daily operations to build a professional, effective, efficient, and accountable management system. ICT Unit of Riau University is responsible for managing IT within the Riau University. To measure the level of ICT Unit capability in terms of information technology governance, the COBIT 5 framework is used and calculated on DSS (Deliver, Service, and Support) domain, focusing on DSS01 and DSS04 subdomains. In this study, the result indicated that the DSS01 subdomain has a value of 81,7% and a rating of "L" or largelly achieved, which means that the implementation of the process has been running and some indicators for level 1 capability have been achieved. Meanwhile, the DSS04 subdomain reached 40.4% with a āPā rating or partially achieved, meaning that the process has not been able to achieve the target so that the management of this sustainability process is very small. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the ability of the ICT Unit of Riau University in terms of IT governance is at level 1 for the DSS01 subdomain and at level 0 for the DSS04 subdomain.enCOBIT 5 AnalysisIT GovernanceDSS DomainICT Unit of Riau UniversityANALISIS TATA KELOLA TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI MENGGUNAKAN FRAMEWORK COBIT 5 (Studi Kasus: UPT TIK Universitas Riau)Article