Diba, Farah2014-05-062014-05-062014-05-06MUCHTAR RAHMAThttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6168This research explains about China’s foreign policy to establish military garrison in Sansha City in the South China Sea.In addition, this research explains the agresive motive of China’s foeign policy, by the fact that the others claimant countries complained of China’s foreign policy of South China sea In analizing China foreign policy in establishing military garrison in Shansa City the research apply foreign policy formulation by Graham T. Allison by using bureaucratic politic model. This theory is not just an output of one monolit, but foreign policy is an iteraction process, acclimatization, and, foreign policy is the result by a lot actor and organization in a country.This research is using qualitative metode by writing a literacy review technic of a lot relevant data. This research show the interaction process of formal authority and chinese interest person whom getting a same mission in establishing military garrison in Shansa around the south china sea conflict. This reseacrh show how china formal authority view the economic development of China running stable year by year. It encouraged military modernization and decided a provocative movement by establishing military Garrison in conflict South China Sea area. Underlieing to be a hegemonic country in Asia Pasific.otherMilitary Garrison,China’s Foreign Policy,Sansha City,South China Sea,Claimant States.KEBIJAKAN CINA MENDIRIKAN GARNISUN MILITER DI KOTA SANSHA DI KAWASAN LAUT CINA SELATAN TAHUN 2012student Paper Post Degree