Putri, Elmita EkaAnita, SofiaBali, Subardi2016-05-022016-05-022016-05-02wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/8335The aim of this research was to determine the optimum ability of activated char of bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) with variations concentration of Na2CO3 (2.5%, 5% and 7.5%) to adsorp Mn(II) (SNI 6989.16-2009) and nitrate (SNI 6989.8-2009) in the water sample, by doing preparation and characterization of activated char, analysis of boreholes water, and adsorption analysis. Activated char of bamboo was optimum by using 5% of Na2CO3.Characterization results showed that moisture content, ash content, and surface area was 3.05%, 3.67%, and 74.52 m2/g respectively. Adsorption of Mn(II) and nitrate was determined by using Atomic Adsorption of Spectrofotometer (AAS) and Spectrophotometer UV-Vis, respectively . The results showed that the optimum adsorption of activated char of bamboo for Mn(II) and nitrate ions was 74.57% and 60.60%, respectively.enDendrocalamus asperactivated charsodium carbonatePOTENSI ARANG AKTIF BAMBU BETUNG (Dendrocalamus asper) SEBAGAI ADSORBEN ION Mn2+ DAN NO3- DALAM AIR SUMUR BOR BURUK BAKUL, BENGKALISstudent Paper Post Degree