Linda, MiraSayamar,Eri2013-02-042013-02-042013-02-04Arnalis Linda. Jur. 2012The goal of this research is; (1). to analyze the profit of seedless watermelon;(2). To analyze the efficient of seedless watermelon ;(3). To analyze the efficient of distribution;(4). To analyze the reasons why these farms are preferable. This research used purposive sampling.11 respondents out of 108 seedless watermelon farmers. From this research it can be concluded that seedless watermelon farm is profitable and good business to do in sub district Ujungbatu, Rokan Hulu County.otherProfitableefficientpreferableUjungbatuThe Analysis and Distribution Seedless Watermelon (Citrullus Vulgaris Schard) Farms In Sub District Ujungbatu, Rokan Hulu County.student Paper Post Degree