LELY, MAMIK PUSPITA2013-04-102013-04-102013-04-10Muchtar Rahmathttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/2808This study aims to determine the actuating of the UED-SP function in empowering the poverty in Tualang Jaya village tualang district Siak regency . The study focused on the assessment of the actuating of community empower-ment that found overall results in the investigation of community empowerment. The results showed that the actuating of the UED-SP function in empowering the poor have not been going well. Empowerment is done still right on target. Addi-tionally empowerment in the form of capital that had yet to be given to the poor equally, only those that are known managers who can borrow these funds. Keywords : actuating, community empowerment, povertyotheractuatingcommunity empowermentpovertyAnalisis Pelaksanaan Fungsi UED-SP Dalam Memberdayakan Masyarakat Miskin Di Desa Tualang Jaya Kecamatan Tualang Kabupaten Siakstudent Paper Post Degree