Gloria, Christine VitaHayana, HayanaAlhidayati, AlhidayatiRaviola, RaviolaEliva, Yunia2021-01-202021-01-202019-11-16978-60251349-1-3wahyu sari yeni Panjang Modern Market is one of the markets located in Tebing Tinggi District, Kepulauan Meranti Regency which is active every day. The market manager has provided several garbage bins, but more waste was left piling up outside the trash can rather than inside the garbage. Traders do not fully understand organic and inorganic waste sorting and there were still many traders who dispose of their waste not where it should be. In the other hand, traders and the surrounding community did not know what the purpose or benefits of waste management and avoid the awareness of these traders to sort waste. This study was aimed to determined the determinants of waste management in the Selat Panjang Modern Market. This research was quantitative observational analytic with cross sectional design. The sample in this study was selected traders and fulfilled the inclusion criteria, amounting to 75 traders. Data processing was carried out in the stages of editing, coding, processing, cleaning and tabulating. Data analysis included univariate and bivariate analyzes used the chi square test. The results of this study were the variables that have a relationship with waste management, namely knowledge (p = 0.002); attitude (p = 0,000); and the availability of rubbish bins (p = 0.004). The unrelated variable is the role of market manager. It is expected that market managers can socialize waste management in the Selat Panjang Modern Market.otherManagementModern MarketWasteDETERMINAN PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH DI PASAR MODEREN SELAT PANJANG KECAMATAN TEBING TINGGI KABUPATEN KEPULAUAN MERANTI TAHUN 2019Article