SadarmanAndirusHandoko, Jully2014-05-212014-05-212014-05-21978-602-18936-0-9wahyu sari yeni research was aimed to detect the disease on broiler and distribution pattern at traditional markets of Pekanbaru. This research was conducted in February until March 2011 at 10 traditional markets (Cik Puan, Lima Puluh, Pagi Arengka, Pagi Palapa, Pagi Selasa, Pusat, Rumbai, Sail, Senapelan dan Tangor). The Samples used in this research were tracheal and cloacal swabs of the broilers. Suspension of the tracheal and cloacal swabs were inoculated into embryonated chicken eggs (TAB) aged 9-11 days. Then, the allantois chorion fluids harvested for haemaglutination test (HA) that was conducted at Virology Laboratory of Balai Penyidikan dan Pengujian Veteriner Regional II Bukittinggi. Interviews were conducted to the sellers and buyers to support the laboratory results. The results of this research showed that AI virus was not detected (AI negative) on broilers traded at traditional markets of Pekanbaru. It was dispersive pattern of the broilers distribution. The broilers were distributed from 12 districts of Pekanbaru, some regency outside Pekanbaru inside Riau Province (regency of Kampar; Rokan Hulu; and Pelalawan) and outside the Riau Province (West Sumatra Province)enAvian Influenzacasebroilerdistributiontraditional marketPekanbaruDETEKSI PENYAKIT AVIAN INFLUENZA (AI) BERDASARKAN POLA DISTRIBUSI AYAM RAS PEDAGING PADA PASAR TRADISIONAL DI KOTA PEKANBARUUR-Proceedings