Siregar, Cholina TrisaAriani, Yesi2015-06-202015-06-202015-06-202406-9175wahyu sari yeni care is a series of activities of nurses in providing professional care to patients. Good professional service will enhance the sense of patient satisfaction to nursing actions. Increased sense of satisfaction with the services will have an impact on the improvement of health conditions of patients. This study aimed to identify the level of patient satisfaction and nurse actions in provision of nursing care. The study design was descriptive and selection of patient respondents using random sampling as many as 69 people and selection of nurses using total sampling as many as 18 people. The research instruments using patient satisfaction questionnaires and nursing actions questionnaires. The results of Conten Validity Index (CVI) in patient satisfaction questionnaire obtained CVI value of 0.95, and in nursing actions questionnaire obtained CVI value of 0.98. The results of this study showed data that the majority of haemodialytic patients are not satisfied with nursing care as many as 46 people (66.7%) and were satisfied asmany as 23 people (33.33%). The majority of the nurses said that the action taken by haemodialytic nurse was good as many as 16 people (88,9%) with an average value of 73.06. Good and appropriate action of the nurse will provide patient satisfaction during tratmentenpatient satisfactionnursing actionsPatient Satisfaction Level And Nursing Activity In Implementing Nursing Care In Haemodialisa RoomUR-Proceedings