Asyana, VTaer, EIwantono2014-05-222014-05-222014-05-22978-602-18936-0-9wahyu sari yeni nanoplates have been grown onto solid substrates by using seed-mediated growth method. The gold nanoplates have been grown at temperature of 28-30oC with a variety of concentration of surfactants (CTAB and PVP). Characterizations of the samples have been carried out by using UV-Vis spectroscopy, XRD and FESEM. UV-Vis spectra showed that the gold particles have grown with a various geometrical forms, such as spherical and others. XRD results informed that the present of two peaks at 2θ: 38.195o and 44.393o indicated the gold-nanoplates, with their crystal orientation of (111) and (200). FESEM images showed the size of the particles ranged from 31 nm to 50 nm, with a various of the geometrical forms, such as hexagonal faces, truncated hexagonal face, triangle face, cubic faceenBiner-surfactantsGold- nano crystalSolid substratesKAJIAN EFEK KONSENTRASI SURFAKTAN BINER TERHADAP PENUMBUHAN NANO KRISTAL EMAS DI ATAS PERMUKAAN SUBSTRAT PADATUR-Proceedings