NAINGGOLAN, LIDYA2013-07-162013-07-162013-07-16 purpose of study were to analyze the effect of work environment and motivation toward employee’s work productivity at PT. Coca-cola amatil Indonesia the branch of Pekanbaru. The samples were taken using slovin method d the number of selected sample were 93 persons as respondents, and the writer used purposive random sampling in distributing it. The data sources of data ed were premier data and secondary data. The techniques of data collection were interview and questionnaires. The data analysis method used was descriptive quantitative method by SPSS ve se.20. The results of study concluded that simultaneously both variable work environment and motivation influenced significantly toward employe work productivity. Partially, the results obtained were that the variable of work environment influenced significantly toward the variable of employee’s work productivity an the variable of motivation influenced significantly toward the variable of employ ’s work productivity. Thus, the writer concluded that the variable of work environment and motivation simultaneously and partially influenced positively and significantly toward employee’s work productivity PT. Coca-cola amatil Indonesia the branch of Pekanbaru. Besides the variable of motivation was dominant variable that influe ced toward employee’s work productivity than the variable of work environment.otherwork environmentMotivationEmployee’s Work ProductivityTHE EFFECT OF WORK ENVIRONMENT AND MOTIVATION TOWARD EMPLOYEE’SWORK PRODUCTIVITY AT PT. COCA-COLA AMATIL INDONESIA THE BRANCH OF PEKANBARU