Gumilar, GumgumAgustin, Herlina2018-03-122018-03-122018-03-12wahyu sari yeni Rancabayawak in Gede Bage area Bandung City is also known by the name of Kampung Blekok. This village since 1970 has bamboo tree groves that used as a nest of thousands of birds Heron and Ibis. The Bubulcus Ibis and Blekok or Ardeloa Speciosa are water birds that have important ecological functions in nature, such as pollinators of plant species and predators of agricultural pests, but the population is not much more in nature. This study aims to describe the condition of Kampung Rancabayawak and also the ecology that became the home for the ibis and Blekok herons and the steps undertaken by various parties to maintain the existence of thousands of birds. The method used is Qualitative Descriptive method, data obtained through observation and interviews with Local Leader and administrators and residents in Kampung Rancabayawak, environmental lovers like Pro Fauna, and data from BKSDA, researchers and environmental experts. The results of this study show a nearly half-century interaction between villagers Kampung Rancabayawak who live side by side with thousands of herons and ibis. Now, the existence of egrets and Blekok increasingly marginalized, disrupted by development activities in the area of Gede Bage. The Technopolis area development plan narrowed the space for the birds' colony, the number of birds decreasing. The area of the rice fields is getting narrower and the river that has been the place where birds look dirty and the water is black because of the pollution of factory waste. The people of Rancabayawak agreed to make RW 02 Rancabayawak area as the Essential Ecosystem Area (KEE) related to the position of the village that became the nesting place of protected birds. Support for the steps that must be taken to preserve the region comes from many parties such as BKSDA organizations, environmentalists, universities, researchers and environmental experts, writers and also the mass media who continue to voice the existence of the region.enRancabayawakHeronIbisEnvironmentEcosystemKampung Rancabayawak: Menjaga Sinergi Masyarakat Dengan Ribuan Blekok Dan Kuntul KerbauArticle