Utari, Ananda Sri2022-07-182022-07-182022-01PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10555Composite is a combination of several materials with different properties and types so that it was formed material with new properties. In this study, natural rubber latex, activated charcoal of peanut shells were activated by 5% sulfuric acid (H2SO4), cast sand and, palm fiber were used as raw materials for making composite. The composite was made with seven variations of filler, 100% activated charcoal (KA), 100% cast sand (KP), 100% palm fiber (KI), 50% activated charcoal: 50% cast sand (KAP), 50% activated charcoal: 50% palm fiber (KAI), 50% cast sand: 50% fiber palm fiber (KPI) and 33.3% activated charcoal: 33.3% cast sand: 33.3% palm fiber (KAPI). The resulting composite was implemented a river water filter, which is Kampar Kiri River. The water parameter analyzed were based on analysis of color, pH, TDS and, TSS. Based on the result, KA composite showed the best performance to reduce color intensity by 93.43%, TSS 92.13%, TDS 99.84% and, neutralized pH from 6,1 to 7,01.encompositefilteringnatural rubber latexPENGOLAHAN AIR SUNGAI KAMPAR MENGGUNAKAN KOMPOSIT LATEKS KARET ALAM-ARANG AKTIF KULIT KACANG TANAHPASIR COR-SERAT IJUKArticle