PERA DEWI, HAYATI2013-02-182013-02-182013-02-18wahyu sari yeni study titled The Effect of Oil Palm Empty Fruit On Some Properties of Soil Biology, was conducted in the area of oil palm plantation of PT Salim Ivomas Primary. Research time for 3 months from June to August 2010. The purpose of this study is that the granting of oil palm empty fruit bunches biologist can improve soil properties. This study used survey methods, sampling for biological data purpossive soil is determined by random sampling technique by choosing a location in accordance with the purposes of research and random sampling. Point sampling is based on the duration of application of oil palm empty fruit bunches. The soil samples were taken in 5 blocks with an area of 1 block is 30 hectares. 4 blocks to the granting of empty fruit bunches and 1 block without giving empty fruit bunches. The first block application of empty fruit bunches of 1 month, the second block of empty fruit bunches application of 4 months, the third block of empty fruit bunches application of 8 months, the fourth block of empty fruit bunches applications 12 months and five blocks without giving bunches kosong.Tiap each block samples taken 3 points. Soil sampling for the observations made by soil fauna or diagonal transect method in which the sampling points in a specified area in a straight line to the distance between the points have been set too. Used on the observation that relatively large area and has a relatively homogeneous agroecosystem soil sampling depth of 30 cm (Hidayat & Makarim, (1992) in saraswati, et al. 2007). To know the effect of oil palm empty fruit bunches of soil biological properties will be observed following parameters: population macrofauna, resirasi soil, analysis of soil chemical and physical properties such as Ph, Ntotal, texture, Corganik. Then the data were analyzed descriptively without statistical calculations, but more associated with qualitative interpretation.enPENGARUH PEMBERIAN TANDAN KOSONG KELAPA SAWIT (TKKS) TERHADAP SIFAT BIOLOGITANAH DAN PRODUKSI KELAPA SAWlT(Elaeis Guinensis Jack)UR e-Research