Marwan2013-01-162013-01-162013-01-16sumarni survey on organic content and macrozoobenthos has been conducted in the surrounding waters of Tanjung Uban in August 2012. Organic content and macrozoobenthos analyses were carried out in Ecology Laboratory and Marine Chemistry Laboratory Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Riau. The result showed that Organic content in sediment varied from 0.39-9.42%. Water quality parameters measured were still in the range of waters quality criteria for marine biota. The average macrozoobenthos abundance were varied from 5.33 – 106.67ind/m2, whilst Diversity Index (H’) 1.1329- 1.5773; Dominance Index 0.3284 – 0.4741; Uniformity Index 0.3776– 0.4748. Simple linier regression analyses between organic content and macrozoobenthos abundance shows significant relation with Y = 11.53+9.055X R2 = 0.462; r = 0.680 in Station 1 and Y = 27.04 + 1.397X in Station 2.otherOrganicsedimentmacrozoobenthosabundanceKANDUNGAN BAHAN ORGANIK SEDIMEN DAN KELIMPAHAN MAKROZOOBENTHOS SEBAGAI INDIKATOR PENCEMARAN PERAIRAN PANTAI TANJUNG UBAN KEPULAUAN RIAU. Sediment Organic Content and Maceozoobenthic Abundance in Tanjung Uban Coastal Water Riau Archipelagostudent Paper Post Degree