Yoswaty, Dessy2014-05-242014-05-242014-05-24wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6337Monitoring the quality of marine waters to create marine tourism management can be performed bacteriological, including protecting the environment and coastal waters fishery production that cause disease in humans. Pollution of domestic waste (sewage), anthropogenic activities and rapid development along the coastal waters Bengkalis expected to increase the number of C. perfringens in sediment. The study aimed lo analyze and evaluate the distribution of the C. perfringens in sediments in coastal waters Bengkalis to achieve sustainable management of marine tourism. The results are expected to provide information where the C. perfringens in sedimen, as bioindicator polllution so as to ensure the health and comfort of the local community and tourists. The method used is the survey method, using the media to TSC (tryptose Sulphite Cycloserine). Sediment samples from the coastal waters Bengkalis: Rimba Sekampung Vilage (station l.), Damon Village (station 2) and Kelapa Pati Village (station 3}. The research was conduccted in March-April 2012, the data analysis of total C. perfringens by West (1989) and Fardiaz (1992). Observations of total C. perfringens in sediments 5.2 x 104 to 3.9 x 106 cells/gram sample. Distribution of C. perfringens in sediments is still below the threshold that could be categorized coastal waters Bengkalis have not been contaminated. The results of measurements of the quality of coastal wsters Bengkalis still support for the growth of C. perfringens. Fluctuations in the average water temperature ranges between 29-30 oC, pH 7.1-7.5, salinity 28-30 o/oo water transparency between 50-51 cm, and the velocity 0.2-0.3 ppm. The results of the identification of bacterial isolotes C. perfringens on sediment cell is Gram-positive, rod shape, black in color, in-methyl, colonies, turned cloudy and gas bubbles are formed, C. perfringens in sediment can grow at 37 oC. Organic matter content of sediment in coastal waters Bengkalis average ranged from 3.13 to 3.14%. Thee coastal waters Bengkalis can be developed as a sustainable marine tourism area so as to preserve coastal ecosystems, increase traveler comfort and improve the welfare of 'local communities.enC. perfringens bacteriasedimentmanagement of marine tourismANALISIS BAKTERI Clostridium perfringens PADA SEDTMEN UNTUK MEWUJUDKAN PENGELOLAAN WISATA LAUT DI PERAIRAN PANTAI BENGKALIS PROPINSI RIAUUR-Scientific Work Lecturer