Shadikin, AchmadPrijambodo, TjahjonoWibowo, Mardi2021-03-122021-03-122019-11978-60251349-1-3wahyu sari yeni coastal environment management of the Sabang gulf, not only directly related to humans or other living creatures in the vicinity but also necessary to take into account the hydro-oceanographic conditions in the coastal region. Community interactions with hydro-oceanographic conditions will indirectly affect the environmental quality of the coastal region. Hydro-oceanographic parameters that affect the success in environmental management include pattern currents, wave patterns, and bathymetry. The hydrodynamics approach has been made to produce a picture of hydrooceanographic conditions in the coastal areas of Sabang Bay. Similarly, the boundaries of currents and waves in the region can give an overview of its hydrooceanographic conditions. The results can be used to plan the placement of activities or locations of utilization by the characteristics of hydro-oceanographic aspects in the coastal areas of Sabang Bay.encoastal environmental managementSabang BayHydro-OceanographyPENGELOLAAN LINGKUNGAN KAWASAN PESISIR TELUK SABANG DITINJAU DARI ASPEK HIDROOSEANOGRAFIArticle