Al Masshahul A’la2013-01-212013-01-212013-01-21sumarni aim this research was to identify the potential fishing ground for pelagic fish in the East Season of Western Coast of Aceh. The study was conducted from June to August 2012 with data interpretation were done at Fishing Ground Laboratory at Aquatic Resources Utilitation Department, University of Riau by using suivey method. The Sea Surface Temperature data were gathered by downloading Aqua MODIS images level 1b scanned in June to August (2009- 2011). SST distribution used to show the potential fishing ground by indicators suchas optimum SST, upwelling and water front. The result indicated the rate of SST in the East Season 2009 was 250C-310C, 200C-290C in 2010, and 160C-310C in 2011. Upwelling and water front accured in June to July 2010 and July to August 2011. The SST during the research at study area 160C-310C which optimum temperature for pelagic fish.otherSSTFishing GroundWestern Coast of AcehIDENTIFIKASI DAERAH PENANGKAPAN IKAN PELAGIS BESAR PADA MUSIM TIMUR BERDASARKAN SEBARAN SUHU PERMUKAAN LAUT DI PERAIRAN BARAT ACEHstudent Paper Post Degree