Asbullah, Asbullah2018-03-122018-03-122018-03-12978-602-51349-0-6wahyu sari yeni Adiwiyata Program is a Government program to create a cultured school environment. The aim of this study; (1) To know the participation of the school community in the success of Adiwiyata school program, (2) To know the obstacles faced by the school in the implementation process of Adiwiyata school program. The study was conducted from March to April 2017, conducted by interviewing the principal, vice principal of infrastructure, vice principal of student, vice principal of curriculum, vice principal of public relations, four teachers (Coordinator of Adiwiyata, subject teachers Civics, science teachers and Social subjects teachers) as well as students who are active in extracurricular activities of green and extracurricular Scouting and documentation. The results showed that a). the majority of the school's residents have understood the adiwiyata program starting from the plan, implementation, objectives and benefits of the adiwiyata program; b). Obstacles / Constraints faced by the school include the regeneration of students every new school year, lack of support from families to maintain environmental hygiene, as well as familiarize students with adiwiyata school rules. To overcome these obstacles and obstacles, the school's efforts include counseling new students at the orientation of school, posting pictures, pamphlets, billboards, appealing boards or posters about environmental awareness and / or environmental hygiene on each side of the school, alerting and supervising every student behavior in the school.enadiwiyata programsenvironmental awarenessschool programsImplementasi Kebijakan Program Adiwiyata Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kesadaran Lingkungan Di Smkn 4 Kota PekanbaruArticle