Nuraini, Lusi2021-07-152021-07-152020-07wahyu sari yeni article discusses the technique of solving ordinary differential equations of second order nonhomogen with right exponential functions in the form of complex exponentials. The solution is obtained through two new formulas obtained through the modification of the exponential shift theorem and using differentiation techniques and the properties of linearity. Next, two examples are given to provide a deeper understanding of the use of the obtained formulas. The solution for both examples using this technique is the same as those obtained using the undetermined coefficient method.enNonhomogenous ordinary differential equationundetermined coefficient methodderivativescomplex exponential functionsSISI LAIN METODE KOEFISIEN TAK TENTU DALAM MENYELESAIKAN PERSAMAAN DIFERENSIAL BIASA ORDE DUA NONHOMOGENArticle