Nasution, Dita Aulia Yulyanita2019-08-152019-08-152019-08-15wahyu sari yeni 5/6 gene is one of the most gene popular for spesies identification. This study aimed to obtain an optimal annealing temperature of Cyt b-ND 5/6 primer amplification for chicken and rat using PCR teqnichue. Total DNA molecule from chicken and rat were amplified using Genomic DNA mini kit (tissue animals) procedure. The optimum annealing temperature of Cyt b-ND 5/6_F and Cyt b-ND 5/6_R for chicken and rat were 61,85ºC for chicken and 42,85 ºC for rat respectively. The bands were single and not smearenannealingcytb-ND 5/6 geneprimertemperature optimizationOPTIMASI SUHU ANNEALING PRIMER CYT B – ND 5/6 SPESIFIK AYAM DAN TIKUSArticle