Prasetio, Taufik DwiSuprayogi ImamRinaldi2013-01-162013-01-162013-01-16nurasmi purpose of this research is to generate flow data. This purpose was chosen considering the flow data stock is limited and complex for country like Indonesia and espescially in Riau province. In short term, hidrology data have not been able to represent the characteristics of river’s flow. Data elongation can be used to solve the lack of hidrology data. Data elongation can be done using the Thomas-Fiering method approach. The study done on Indragiri river in Riau province using data of AWLR Lubuk Ambacang station for the past 15 years. To examine the reliability Thomas-Fiering method, various data elongation simulation has been made. Then we used t-student test and correlation test. Result of t-test showed statistically no difference between real data (historical data) and generate data (synthetic data). Meanwhile correlation examnination showed the more historical data available, the better the correlationn, so principally generating synthetic flow data for Lubuk Ambacang station is verified.othercorrelation testflow datat- testThomas-FieringBANGKITAN DATA DEBIT PADA DAERAH PENGALIRAN SUNGAI DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN PENDEKATAN METODE THOMAS - FIERING (STUDI KASUS: LUBUK AMBACANG –DAS INDRAGRI)student Paper Post Degree