Agustina, DwiGayatri, DewiNurachmah, Elly2015-06-182015-06-182015-06-182406-9175wahyu sari yeni ulcers as one of the complications of diabetes mellitus disease, has impacts on the patients' physical, psychological, social and environmental comfort. The purpose of this study is to describe the experience of patients with diabetic ulcers. A descriptive phenomenology method with in-depth interview was assigned to eight participants. The results of this study found nine themes of their experience which are the understanding of diabetes mellitus, the experience of dealing with diabetic ulcers, the pain experience, the understanding of comfort, the changes in life, the social support gained, the spiritual experience, the health professional support and the psychological experience. The study recommends further studies.enexperiencesdiabetic ulcerExperiences In Patients With Diabetic Ulcers : A Phenomenological StudyUR-Proceedings