Afrianti, DeniHasriati2013-04-262013-04-262013-04-26Rangga Dwijunanda Putra paper discusses the present value of a life annuity due for joint life with Gom- pertz distribution and Makeham distribution. With Gompertz distribution and Makeham distribution, the present value calculation is done by first determining the life chances of single and joint life based on the Gompertz distribution and Makeham distribution. In determining of the present value of an annuity based on Gompertz distribution and Makeham distribution, the distribution constants will affect the present value of the annuityotherAnnuitypresent valueGompertz and Makeham distributionsjoint lifeNILAI TUNAI ANUITAS HIDUP AWAL UNTUK STATUS GABUNGAN BERDASARKAN DISTRIBUSI GOMPERTZ DAN DISTRIBUSI MAKEHAMOther