F. H. Manase DYetti,HusnaArdian2013-07-272013-07-272013-07-27Arnalishttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/4779Manase.Jur.2013The purpose of this study is to obtain the interaction rice straw trichokompos with urea fertilizer that gives the best impact on the growth and the production of caisim. The research was conducted at the experimental farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau in October to November 2012. Experimental research conducted in the field by using a completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of two factors, the first factor that is rice straw trichokompos (0 ton/ha, 10 ton/ha, 20 ton/ha) and the second factor, namely urea fertilizer (27.5 kg/ha, 55 kg / ha, 82.5 kg / ha). Each unit of experiment was repeated 3 times to obtain 27 units of the experiment. The data obtained were analyzed using Analysis Of varience (ANOVA) and further tested using DNMRT test (Duncan's New Multiple Range Test) at the level of 5%. The parameters measured were plant height, leaf area, number of leaves, harvest, plant fresh weight, decent weight of consumable and root volume. These results indicate that the interaction of treatment administration rice straw trichokompos and urea fertilizers applied to crops can increase production of caisim crop. The leaf area, harvest, plant fresh weight, decent weight of consumable, and best root volume found in rice straw treatment trichokompos 20 ton/ha with urea fertilizer 82.5 kg/ha.otherrice straw trichokomposurea fertilizercaisimPertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman Caisim (Brassica chinensis) Dengan Pemberian Trichokompos Jerami Padi dan Pupuk Ureastudent Paper Post Degree