Putri, Utari Cahyani2025-01-202025-01-202023-12PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/11532Supercapacitors are the new generation of green energy storage device consisting of electrodes, electrolytes, current collectors and separator. Elektrodes are the main important components made from activated carbon that have porosity so make high conductivity and large surface area. This study utilized tiger shrimp shells with the addition of 0,5 g, 1 g and 1,5 g carbon nanotube with respective sample codes, namely KUW-05, KUW-10 and KUW-15. The manufacture of carbon electrodes was carried out by several processes, namely pra-carbonization process, chemical activation with KOH activator and addition carbon nanotube, carbonization process using N2 gas at 600ᵒC and physical activation using CO2 gas at 800ᵒC. The highest density shrinkage value is owned by the KUW-10 sample, which is 23,92%.enPenaeus monodonCarbon electrodesNanotubeSupercapacitorsELEKTRODA KARBON AKTIF BERBAHAN DASAR KULIT UDANG WINDU DENGAN PENAMBAHAN KARBON NANOTUBE UNTUK ELEKTRODA SEL SUPERKAPASITORArticle