Dwifattah, Muhammad RizkiBustami2024-08-262024-08-262023-12PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/11415Current economic developments cause increasing inflation rates in a country. One of the statistical methods used to determine the increase in inflation values is forecasting using a non-parametric time series model. This research was carried out using Singular Spectrum Analysis and Neural Network as a non-parametric forecasting method with monthly data on inflation values in Indonesia from January 2003 - December 2022. This analysis was carried out by forming a square matrix from the research data so that eigenvalues and eigenvectors were obtained in each matrix. as many as 50. In the calculations, the forecast results obtained for the next 5 month period show insignificant increases and decreases. Based on the accuracy results, an error was obtained using MAPE with forecasting results for the inflation value of 9%, which can be said to be in the very good category.enInflationtime seriesSingular Spectrum Analysis and Neural NetworkMODEL HYBRID SINGULAR SPECTRUM ANALYSIS DAN NEURAL NETWORK UNTUK PERAMALAN KENAIKAN NILAI INFLASI DI INDONESIAArticle