Wulandari, Wulandari2022-09-192022-09-192022-05PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10684The increase in the concentration of pollutants in the soil due to human activities is increasingly worrying. Soil management requires soil pollution measurement technology due to heavy metal contamination. Metal contaminants are indicators for the assessment of heavy metals in soil through analysis of magnetic susceptibility measurement data. The samples used were soils from a Settlement, a River Flow, and a Sand Mining area in Duri City, Bengkalis Regency. The susceptibility measurement was carried out using a magnetization curve instrument based on an RL integrator circuit with a frequency variation of 1, 10, and 100 Hz. The measurement results show the effect of the given frequency, namely the greater the measurement frequency, the smaller the susceptibility value. The three soil samples measured showed low and positive paramagnetic susceptibility values. The Magnetization Curve Characterization Instrument can be used and works well for the measurement of magnetic susceptibility values.enSoilheavy metalscontaminantsand magnetic susceptibilityANALISA KONTAMINASI LOGAM BERAT PADA TANAH MENGGUNAKAN PENGUKURAN SUSEPTIBILITAS MAGNETIK BERBASIS RANGKAIAN INTEGRATOR RLArticle